
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Careful What You Wish For

There was this girl who had fibro.  We'll refer to her from here on out, as FG ...short for Fibro Girl.  She also had COPD and some other ailments.  FG had caught a bad cold last week and as we all know, when a person has fibro, everything is worse.  She drug her butt around sniffling and sneezing, and blowing her sore red nose.  Gasping for breath through a completely plugged nose she'd think "Boy, if only I could get over this cold".  Monday, she stopped sneezing and her head felt normal again but now her lungs were clogged.  She'd cough and wheeze and curse her crappy health.  

FG started to feel depressed.  Depression is a common co-condition of fibro, and FG deals with it from time to time. FG would sit around with tears welling up in her eyes.  She felt sad, and lonely, and depressed.  She wondered why she has to live day to day in pain.  She wondered why she only has a few friends that she can ever get together with.  She thought about how crappy of a person her ex-husband is, for leaving her just because of her health conditions.  FG even wondered if she'd now be alone for the rest of her life.  FG's latest idiotic saying lately has been "I couldn't even buy a date to McDonald's.  Some dude would take my money then through me out of the car before he turned into the parking lot".

Being nice, the boyfriend of FG's daughter told her last night not to make plans for supper tonight because he was going to take her out to eat at a buffet, with him and FG's daughter.  Today came and FG was so tired and fatigued, that she wasn't sure she could go out to eat.  Thinking it may do her more good than harm though, FG forced herself to go.  

FG was still in a funk.  It was so bitter cold.  Her muscles and joints started aching as soon as she walked out the door.  She was determined though, to enjoy herself for once.  

Shortly after arriving at the restaurant, FG was sitting there eating.  Her daughter and the boyfriend started whispering and giggling.  FG asked them "what's going on?".  FG's daughter said "just a minute" then pulled out her cell phone and sent FG a text.  It said "That creepy old man sitting diagonal from us won't quit staring at you mom, and he keeps smiling".  FG tried to be extremely casual about it, but looked over her shoulder to see a gentleman dining alone, openly staring at her.  FG just kind of shrugged it off.  

A bit later, FG got up to go get some more food.  She could feel eyes burning into her back all the way to the buffet tables.  Walking back to the table, Creepy Older Man was staring at her, looking her up & down, and smiling at her.  FG kept looking straight ahead, and found her seat.  

Now, FG has always had a kind heart for the elderly.  Always smiles and nods, or stops and talks, when she comes upon the elderly.  This gentleman though, was not that elderly.  He probably had a good 15 years on FG, but FG is over the hill only 43 years old.  So in the eyes of FG's 18.5 yr old daughter, he was an old man.  In FG's eyes, he was just an older man.  

FG was trying to eat, but she could feel eyes buring into her with every bite she took.  She couldn't help obviously non-chalantly glancing to see if her ever over-active imagination was taking over, or if her every move was being watched.  For once, she wasn't completely delusional.  Creepy Older Guy really was staring at her constantly.  By constantly, I mean only looking away to get food on his fork, then staring as he forked it into his mouth.  He'd smile the creepiest smile as he stared at her. It became unnerving.

By this point, FG was feeling self-conscious with every bite she took, herself!  FG saw Creepy Older Guy finally stand up and grab his coat, out of the corner of her eye.  She froze, half-scared that on his way old Creepy Older Guy would stop at the table and say something.  An audible sigh of relief was heard coming from FG's lips, as the gentleman passed the table without stopping.

The entire ride home, FG's daughter made little jokes about Creepy Older Man liking FG.  Once home, FG thought about the whole situation, and cracked up laughing!  Although some would think the non-stop, hyena-sounding laugh meant that FG had finally cracked and lost her sanity, FG knew it was a good sign.  Her bought of depression had finally some-what disapated.  She also had learned a valuable lesson when it came to complaining about being single and not being able to "buy a date to McDonald's".  She learned to be careful what you wish for ...because there will always be a Creepy Older Man Prince Charming out there somewhere, that you'll run across sometime in your life.

FG is in physical pain tonight.  The bitter cold makes her old bones ache and her muscles have sharp, shooting pains in them.  Still, she's thankful that she forced herself out of the house.  This has been good for her mind and soul.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Check Out My Latest Freebie!

I'm excited about winning my 2nd auction on the game site! Remember my first win was the Keurig! This time I won a Garmin Forerunner 110 Sports Watch! This watch sells for around $230. My oldest son's birthday is next month and he's a runner, so this is his present! Nice present for me not spending a dime! It came in today's mail so here's a pic of it! If you'd like to sign up for free to get free merchandise too, go here: GAME SITE

Monday, February 17, 2014

Blogger Opportunity (Free and Paid)

Free Sign up! 


KitchenAid KSM75SL 4.5 Qt. Classic Plus Stand Mixer, Color silver

-1 FREE Links with announcements (Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest)
Get your announcement here (or pay $5.00)
-Giveaway date:   May 9 - May 23, 2014
-Co-host $20.00
10 Links (no google links)
2 Co-host pages 
-Extra links $2.00 (no google links) up to 4 links

Send payment to melisurveys1978@gmail.com
If you have any question, please email me at nysavingspecials@gmail.com

Friday, February 14, 2014

Amazon $100 Gift Card Giveaway

Hosted by:

Sponsored by:

Co-Hosted by:

Who wouldn't like a FREE $100 to spend on Amazon?! Good luck to you because ...One lucky winner will win 

Amazon Gift Card $100

Feb 14  12:01am to Feb. 28 11:59pm
All entries are optional,
Continental US resident only

We appreciate the support of our sponsor, co-hosts and bloggers promoting, please show your support by following them on their social media pages.

a Rafflecopter giveaway 
Disclaimer: The Fibro Frog is not responsible for the awarding of the prize.  If you have any questions about this giveaway, please email the host at nysavingspecials@gmail.com

Monday, February 10, 2014

Look What Came Today!

I've had one of the most awful pain days today, but a bright spot was when my son came home from the post office with the mail.  Look what came today!

Yep, my new Keurig that I got for free from the game site!  One of the K-Cups that was in the sampler box that came with it is Celestial Seasons Sleepy Time Tea.  I've heard of it before, but I've never tried it.  Tonight, I'm going to!  

This being a horrible ...and I mean horrible, pain day, I've spent a lot of time on the game site.  It gives me something to do when I'm house-bound ...which is most of the time anymore.  My pain and fatigue levels just keep getting worse.  It also helps to take my mind off of the pain, rather than sitting dwelling on it.

There are three different prizes on auction right now that I'd like to win this time around, for gifts for my oldest daughter, youngest daughter, and oldest son.  If I win them, they'll be birthday presents this year for them.  Then, to start collecting rewards to use as Christmas presents!  Even though I like the auctions, remember that you can also use your points for "buy it now" items and not have to mess with auctions.  

Where my husband left me almost two years ago and I'm unable to work, this site with the awesome rewards they have, is helping me out tremendously!  I felt like such a low-life failure this past Christmas with the measly gifts I had for my family.  This year, I'll be able to give them presents that I'm actually proud of!

If you'd like to sign up for free and get great merchandise too, just follow this link: http://www.play2shop.com?ref=U01AQ8I000000V0

I received some flack on The Fibro Frog's facebook page from one person about posting a link to the game site on a fibro page.  Like I told her, anything I can do to help someone with chronic pain, I will do.  Over and over again.  A lot of us with a chronic health condition are on a very tight budget.  If I can help someone get some nice items without costing them, then I'll do it.  If I can help someone with a chronic health condition have a little mindless fun and help them take their mind off the pain, then I'll do it.  

I hate to lose a person over something so trivial, but I have to look at the big picture, that I may be helping someone else.  I'll always support, educate, and advocate for those with a chronic pain condition.  This is just another way to try and help give a little support.  I don't have much to look forward to these days, and waiting on this Keurig to get here gave me something to look forward to and be excited about for a change.  I hope that someone reading this will be able to feel the same kind of excitement!

Love & Butterfly Hugs To All,


Monday, February 3, 2014

Play Games and Earn Free GC's and Merchandise

People with Fibro, CFS, and autoimmune diseases are often bed and/or house-bound due to pain and fatigue.  I know beyond a doubt how boring and daunting this can be, so I turn to the internet for my entertainment.  I found a game site a few months ago, that's free to join and free to play the games.  -Because let's face it, $$$$ is usually an issue for those of us with chronic health problems.  Most of us can't work anymore, we have co-pays for doctor and specialist visits, prescriptions, etc.that eat away at our budgets.  I liked the site so well, I applied to become an ambassador for them,a nd was accepted!

You play games to earn points.  They also have game tournaments that you use points to enter, to win a prize or to win more points back.  They have auctions for new merchandise, that you use your points to bid with.  They also have a rewards page, where if you see something you'd like to have, you use your points to "order" the item.

I've done real well since joining the site.  I've earned 2-$25 Amazon GC's, one $25 pre-paid Visa card, a mini-sampler box of See's Candies, an infinity necklace, and my latest prize?  On Feb. 1st I won an auction for a Keurig B40 Elite!!!!  It's been shipped so it should be here sometime this week!  The Keurig is for me, but I'm going to keep building up rewards all year long, so that Christmas won't cost me anything at all out of pocket this year!

You too can earn rewards by joining the free game site! Just click HERE to sign up!  Earn free rewards + gives us hours of free entertainment = a win for us all!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Win A Keurig Vue V700 !

Hosted by:

Co-Hosted by:

I sure love my coffee, and I know from mentioning it on The Fibro Frog that many of you also love it! Therefore, I thought this would be a fun giveaway for me to participate in! I hope one of my fatigued froggies wins this. Good luck to all! One lucky winner will win 

Keurig Vue V700 Brewing System Value $149 and a bonus pack

Bonus variety box includes:
  • 1 Barista Prima Italian Roast Coffee
  • 1 Café Escapes Milk Chocolate Hot Cocoa
  • 1 Celestial Seasonings® Sleepytime Herbal Tea
  • 1 Celestial Seasonings® Southern Sweet Iced Tea
  • 1 Gloria Jean’s® Hazelnut Coffee
  • Green Mountain Coffee® Breakfast Blend Travel Mug Coffee
  • 1 Green Mountain Coffee® Nantucket Blend Coffee
  • 1 The Original Donut Shop® Extra Bold Coffee
  • 1 Timothy’s® Columbian Decaf Coffee
  • 1 Tully’s® French Roast Coffee
    *Selections may vary based on supply

Feb. 1   12:01am to Feb. 21 11:59pm
All entries are optional,
Continental US resident only

<a id="rc-609e651085" class="rafl" href="http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/609e651085/" rel="nofollow">a Rafflecopter giveaway</a>
<script src="//d12vno17mo87cx.cloudfront.net/embed/rafl/cptr.js"></script>

The RC isn't showing up for some reason, but if you click the link above it will take you to the RC and you can enter there. :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: The Fibro Frog is not responsible for the awarding of the prize.  If you have any questions about this giveaway, please email the host at nysavingspecials@gmail.com