
Monday, August 19, 2024

I May Be .....

I May Be Exhausted, But I Woke Up Today

I May Be In Pain, But That Means I Can Still Feel

I May Be Slow To Form My Thoughts, But I Can Still Speak

I May Be Sad That I Have To Miss Out On Fun Activities At Times, But That Shows I Still Have Emotions

I May Be Slow To Finish A Task, But That Means I've Learned To Pace Myself

I May Be Alone In My Own Head, But In Reality I'm NOT Alone.  There Are Millions Of Others World-Wide That Is In This Same Position

I May Be Struggling To Explain My Illness & Life To Others, But There IS Help Out There I Can Utilize To Make My Family & Friends Understand A Little Better

I May Be Depressed At Times, But That Shows I Still Love Myself ....Or Else I Wouldn't Even Care

I May Be Mad That There Isn't A Cure For This Chronic Illness, But I Will #NeverGiveUpHope

Which side of these statements do you want to be on?  Are you going to choose the negatives of our illness, or are you going to look at the flip side and be GRATEFUL for the "buts"?  I learned to look at the "buts" and embrace the beauty in them.  Using #CBT #NLP #Meditation and #EmotionalIntelligence I've finally taken control of my own life back, from this horrible illness called #Fibromyalgia

Remember to #Educate #Advocate and most of all to #NeverGiveUpHope that a #cure will be found one day.  I hope it's still in my own lifetime, but if not I have hope for the future generations that fight this fight.  

Amy Mullholand,
#Inclusive #Certified Master #LifeCoach Master #MindsetCoach #MeditationFacilitator #ComingOutSpecialist #ChronicPain #Specialist #EmotionalIntelligenceCoach #GoalSettingCoach #HealthCoach #NutritionCoach #Author #MotivationalSpeaker #Ohio #ZoomMeetings #OhioHealth #CorporateTeamBuilding #Workshops #CorporateEmotionalIntelligence #Seminars

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The Enemy Within: How to Stop Self-Sabotaging Your Success

Self-Sabotage.  Most people have heard this term before in their lives, but what is self-sabotage?!  According to Dictionary.com, self-sabotage is defined as "the act or habit of behaving in a way that interferes directly with one's own goals, well-being, relationships, etc., as by comfort eating, procrastination, or lashing out at others".   In other words, blowing up your entire world yourself lol. 

 Self-sabotage is way more common than people think it is.  All four of my children were active in different sports but one they all had in common, was competitive judo/jujitsu.  My dad, who is 85 years old now, used to go to a whole lot of their tournaments and he'd always tell them right before their match "Now don't go out there and beat yourself. If you lose, lose by making your opponent beat you".  He also said that a LOT to my oldest son Cody, who was also a high-school state wrestler, college wrestler, and MMA cage fighter after his college wrestling days. -Yes, the photo below is from one of his MMA fights, and yes, he's the one on top facing the camera lol.

Although Cody had an amazing overall sports career, even he admits that at times, he was guilty of "beating himself".  Guilty of "self-sabotage".  This phenomenon of self-sabotage can be so common for many different reasons.  Sometimes people self-implode because they're afraid of failure.  Sometimes it's because they're afraid of success.  It can happen if a person has low self-esteem.  Sometimes perfectionism plays into self-sabotage.  It could be, because of past experiences from childhood where a child had received negative messages from caregivers.  Cognitive dissonance, having a conflict between your personal belief and your actions, can lead to self-sabotaging behavior.  Sometimes, it's due to unconscious survival strategies.  There are just so, so many reasons why a person can consciously or unconsciously self-sabotage.   

Do you ever feel like you're a hamster stuck running on a wheel?  If you find that you have that feeling with some aspect of your life, or if you find yourself procrastinating on a task, you may be guilty of self-sabotage.  Do you engage in negative self-talk?  Frequently engaging in self-critical or pessimistic thoughts can undermine confidence and motivation.  If you avoid or "forget" responsibilities, even when they're crucial, it can be a sign of self-sabotage.

Self-sabotage can lead to career and academic setbacks.  It can strain important relationships.  It often exacerbates feelings of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.  The constant cycle of setting goals and failing to achieve them can lead to a sense of helplessness and self-doubt.  If you engage in self-destructive behaviors like comfort eating, substance abuse, or neglecting self-care it can cause serious physical health consequences too.  This is especially true for people suffering from chronic pain conditions such as Fibromyalgia.  Self-sabotage also leads to financial difficulties due to poor decision-making and lack of follow-through.  Overall, self-sabotage leads to a reduced quality of life.  It prevents you from reaching your full potential and enjoying a fulfilling and satisfying life.  It creates a vicious cycle of failure and disappointment that is difficult to break.  So there you are, still stuck running on that damn hamster wheel!

There are many strategies that you can use to overcome the self-sabotage cycle though.  You can build self-awareness by utilizing mindful meditation to become more aware of your thoughts and feelings without judgment.  You can journal!  Write down your thoughts and experiences daily.  Then reflect on your actions and emotions to identify recurring themes and triggers.  Set aside time regularly to reflect on your goals, dreams, achievements, and areas for improvement.  Ask yourself questions like, 'What am I avoiding/" or "Why did I react that way?".  You also can seek constructive feedback from trusted friends, family, or colleagues.  They can provide insights into behaviors that you may not even notice yourself!

Cultivate self-compassion by treating yourself with kindness.  Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would offer to a friend!  When you make a mistake, remind yourself that it's OK to be imperfect.  Recognize common humanity within yourself.  Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, experiences difficulties and setbacks in life.  I think that's the biggest impact that was made within me during the filming of my episode of Dragnificent, on TLC.  There was an emotional moment of me telling a story that negatively impacted my life and self-esteem, and one of those beautiful Queens started crying.  Afterward, she and I had a conversation about how my story dredged up feelings for her, of her going through the exact same experience I had been describing.  My mind was literally exploding at that second!  I was thinking "What?!  Wait!  This beautiful, successful woman has had the exact same feelings and emotions that I've had?".  It was really a huge "Ah-Ha" moment for me.  When everything is cut & dried, no matter how rich or poor or successful or ...how stuck on a hamster wheel we are, we are ALL "just people" at the end of the day.  We all have the same feelings, emotions and fears.  We all want unconditional love and support and acceptance. We all have hopes & dreams. At that point in time, I started using a reference that I remind myself of a lot; "Every person, is a person".  It sounds simple, but really, it's not.  It's deep, yet it's so very true!  You always should try to be mindful of your negative thoughts and emotions, without letting them define you.  Practice deep breathing or gentle self-talk to soothe yourself.  You also can practice loving-kindness meditation.  Engage in meditations that focus on sending love and compassion to yourself and others.  You could also write a self-compassion letter to yourself or visualize a compassionate response to a challenging situation.

Are you ready to break free from your cocoon, and emerge like this beautiful butterfly?  If you're tired of getting in your own way and you're ready to achieve your goals with confidence, I'm here to help!  As a Certified Master Life Coach, I'm also a Confidence Coach, Goal-Setting Coach, and Meditation Facilitator & Coach.  I specialize in helping individuals overcome self-sabotage and unlock their full potential.  You can book a free consultation by DM'ing me on my The Fibro Frog FB Page

And lastly, what's the motto been all of these years on this blog?  -"Never Give Up HOPE.  Without HOPE, you don't have anything".  You ALL have HOPE, and you also have ME in your corner!  You are never, ever alone no matter what is happening in your life.  Please never forget that.  I'm an inclusive, non-judgmental Certified Master Life Coach, Master Mindset Coach, Health & Nutrition Coach, Emotional Intelligence Coach & more!

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Pillow Talk: The Ultimate Hug Hack; Improve Not Only Your Sleep But Your General Well-Being


In the vast, squishy universe of bedtime rituals, almost everyone uses a pillow.  I  mean, come on, that's a given right?  But did you know that a pillow can do so much more for you than just being something for you to lay your head on at night?  Were you aware that there are a ton of benefits to hugging a pillow any time of the day or night?  Bedtime or not, a pillow is like a secret handshake that not only transcends thread counts and Egyptian cotton, but can transcend our mind, mood, and body at any time it's needed.  Yep, you heard me right - this isn't just about fluff and feathers; it's about embracing your inner "Zen Master", your "Stress Ninja", and your "Cozy Confidant".  So, buckle up my friends (or should I say, "buckle down into your pillow fort") because we're diving headfirst into the fluffiest rabbit hole you've ever encountered.  Ready?  Let's hug it out and learn how incorporating a pillow into your daily routine can help you manage your life!

Whether you have Fibromyalgia, another chronic pain and fatigue illness, or you're one of the lucky ones who live relatively pain-free, we all still have moments of loneliness, pain, stress, fatigue, or a moment where we just need a hug! When we hug someone - or in this case "someTHING", it signals our brain to start releasing endorphins.  The main one, oxytocin, AKA - "the feel-good hormone" doesn't just make you feel good.  It's also a natural stress buster.  It creates a feeling within us of warmth, and comfort, and creates an emotional connection for us. Well, that's just GREAT as long as we have someone around us when we hit a stressful moment or feel like our world is literally falling down on top of us.  But what do we do if there isn't anyone around?  Well, we grab our favorite trusty pillow is what we do!

It's been proven scientifically that hugging a pillow will release oxytocin just like hugging a real live, breathing person will do.  By hugging a pillow your brain gets that signal to relax.  Your heart rate will usually slow down.  Your muscles might start to relax.  Your breathing may become more rhythmic and deeper.  This is especially true if you also incorporate deep breathing techniques and/or meditations that I can teach you to do while hugging your pillow. The level of stress that you feel, improves significantly.

If you're feeling sad, grab a pillow and hug it for 5 or 10 minutes.  Are you down because you're missing someone?  Hug a pillow while you chat with them on a video call, or play a recording of their voice while you hug a pillow.  Maybe, it's just been one of those days where you feel like you need a good hug.  Grab a pillow and hug it! 

Do you wake up in the mornings stiff, sore, and have aching muscles?  Do you feel as tired as when you went to sleep? - Boy is that one common in us Fibro Frogs! Well, you can help alleviate some of that by starting to sleep with a good-quality body pillow.  -And NO, I'm not collaborating with a body pillow company trying to make a buck off this post lol.  I'm just being real with you guys as I always am, and trying to help you if I possibly can.  But it's been proven that a good quality body pillow, can give your body the support that it needs so that you wake up with less stiffness and soreness.  This is especially true if you're a side sleeper like I am!  Positioning the pillow correctly can help align your hips, and therefore reduce strain on your spine so you're not waking up feeling like there's concrete in your joints for the first couple of hours.  -Man that's one of the first symptoms I ever had on my road to my diagnosis.  

Oxytocin also helps improve the quality of the sleep we get.  According to a survey that the Sleep Foundation conducted, people that started using a body pillow to sleep with reported that they had a 35% improvement in the quality of their sleep.  The people in the survey reported having significantly less disturbances during their sleep, compared to before they started sleeping with a body pillow.

Do you meditate?  If not you sure should, but that's a 'nother post for a whole 'nother day my friends lol.  If you do, try hugging a pillow during your meditation.  If you're feeling stressed, grab your favorite pillow and start hugging away!  In the grand saga of sleep or wanting to feel a reduction in stress, our unsung hero - the simple pillow - deserves a standing ovation.  It isn't "just" a pillow; it's a confidant, a snuggle buddy, and our silent partner in dreamland.  So, dear reader, next time you snuggle up with your trusty pillow remember; that you're not just hugging fabric & fluff.  You're embracing a slice of serenity, a dash of whimsy, and a whole lot of Zzzz's.  

Sweet dreams fellow Froggies - and if your sleep isn't sweet let me help you learn how to get it that way!  Remember, what's the motto of this blog?  "Never Give Up HOPE.  -Without HOPE, you don't have anything".  Through live Zoom meetings, I can help you learn to reduce your physical pain, by incorporating #NLP and #CBT techniques into your daily routine.  I can help you relieve your #stress by using various techniques along with #GuidedMeditation.  I'm a #virtual #ProfessionalCuddler, #ConfidenceCoach and I can help you learn to #LoveYourself, build your #selfesteem and #selfworth, and really start living life again!  

As seen on #Dragnificent on #TLC 

Although my inclusive practice is ran through virtual meetings, I am also available in-person for corporate events, teambuilding #workshops, #healthconferences and keynote/motivational speaking.  Below you will find hashtags for SOME of the certifications I have, and niche practices that I'm most passionate about! I have four individual niche #lifecoaching certifications that led to me obtaining an overall certification of a Master Life Coach, and four individual niche certifications leading to an overall certification of a Master #Mindset Coach along with many other individual coaching certifications.  Although I have not yet started the credentialing process with private insurance companies to be listed as a provider for them, I HAVE obtained my NPI billing number so if your insurance will cover "out of network" some insurances may be accepted.  Hopefully within a month or two I will be in-network for some companies.  I've been concentrating on my courses and learning, and not on contracting with insurance companies credentialing departments yet lol.  Gentle butterfly hugs to you all!

#ChronicPain #Fibromyalgia #ChronicIllness #Inclusive #MasterLifeCoach #HappinessCoach #GoalSettingCoach #HealthCoach #NutritionCoach #Corporate #TeamBuilding #EmotionalIntelligence #Coach #MotivationalSpeaker #KeynoteSpeaker #Rheumatology #MeditationCoach #Lgbtqia #ally #ComingOutSpecialist #BlackLivesMatter #TransLivesMatter  #LifePurposeCoach #Ohiolgbtqia #OhioHealth #healthfairs #healthconference #mentalhealth #stress #fatigue #insomnia  #mentalhealthmatters #REBT coach, #CBT coach #lifepurpose coach #NLPpractitioner